LG Therma V
Air-to-water heat pump system
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How They Work
An air source heat pump (AHSP) is installed outside the house.
The pump captures heat from the surrounding air outdoors and releases it inside the home.
Heat pumps can both heat up and cool your home depending on the time of the year. They essentially work by using reverse refrigeration. In the winter, they make outside air colder by extracting its latent heat and bringing it into the home. In the summer, the same thing happens but in the opposite direction; the inside of the house is like a fridge where heat has to be removed and pushed outside.
The Process
A unit outside the house captures the ambient air and transfers it to a coolant.
A compressor is then used to heat the coolant. This heat is then is then transferred to a hot water tank via a heat exchanger.
Hot water is then transferred to the destination it is required to heat the home e.g. radiators
The cold water is transferred back to the tank and then the coolant is transferred from the tank back to the outside unit.

Heat Pumps
The Product
LG air to water heat pumps provides both building heating and the required domestic hot water. LG heat pump series is called Therma V split and it is available in different versions: 9, 12, 14 and 16 Kwh. LG heat pumps are very flexible systems that can be connected to other devices such as solar cells in order to reduce the energy needed as input and optimise the resource potential. LG heat pumps are inverter controlled, which means that they adapt to demand and they only use the energy necessary to operate without performing at full power.
These heat pumps are designed to adjust the compressor speed in order to maintain the desired temperature without switching the compressor on and off.
Learn More
LG Therma V
LG heat pumps are easily controlled through different functions:
- Weekly scheduling
- Operating mode setting
- Control of water temperature
- Heating emergency operation
This function allows you to heat the house in case of problems by activating an emergency heating mode on one of the units when the other doesn’t work properly so that the system manages to achieve the desired temperature.
LG Therma V heat pump offers a good level of heat and works efficiently even at temperatures as low as -15 C without additional heating sources. LG heat pumps are durable products with a long lifespan. Also, the heat exchangers are processed in such a way that they are protected against corrosion and pollution.
Inverter Technology
Inverter technology optimises heat provision minimising the amount of energy deployed. The compression rate is variable and depends on the desired temperature and the current one. The speed is adapted accordingly in order to keep the wanted temperature constant once it is achieved without wasting energy.
Air Source Heat Pumps
Domestic Renewable Heat Incentive
Air Source Heat Pumps
Up To £12,000
of Government Funding
Air source heat pumps are a form of renewable energy technology which take the warmth from the air outside (even when it’s quite cold) and use it to heat the home. There are two types of air source heat pump.
How do they work?
Using various pieces of technology – namely an evaporator coil full of refrigerant fluid, a type of pump called a compressor and a heat exchanger – heat pumps absorb the warmth in the air outside and release this heat into air or water, which is then distributed around the home. They can do this even when the temperature outside is very low. Fridges work in the same way, only in reverse. They use the same technology to draw heat out of the air in the fridge, which is why the space behind fridges feels warm.
Where Do Air Source Heat Pumps Work Best?
Renewable Heat Incentive
The RHI operates in a similar manner to the Feed-in Tariff system, and was introduced through the same legislation – the Energy Act 2008. In the first phase of the RHI cash payments are paid to owners who install renewable heat generation on a quarterly basis over 7 years and in many instances can far outweigh the install costs. Combine this will the savings on heating bills and it gives an excellent return on investment which is usually re-paid in 4-5 years.